Cork Fish, not only contain high Albumin, but also contains many other minerals. Of these, zinc, amino acids, fats and other necessary element in the trace of the body, so it is very good for hipoalbumin therapy treatment (low albumin), treat burns, treating the wound after surgery, speed up wound healing in, helping autistic healing, treating his stunted the growth of brain development, diabetes, treating fractures, stroke and HIV.
High albumin contained in Cork Fish also plays a role in dead cell regeneration.
Based on studies of Cork Fish by Prof. Dr. Dr. Nurpudji from Hasanudin University (Indonesia) shows that the levels of albumin in people with certain diseases in the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital have increased a lot after eating Cork Fish in several times, so as to speed up the recovery process.
The same study by Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang showing, that the granting of Cork Fish every day to the patients after surgery, improves albumin, and they become normal.
Meanwhile, a study conducted at the Hasanudin University also showed increased levels of albumin in the blood of patients up to 0.6 to 0.8 g/dl, were given capsules of Cork Fish for 10 to 14 days.
The same Research action by Dr. IR. Eddy Suprayitno, Cork Fish contains albumin compared to other sources of albumin.
Based on the results of the study have content: Cork fish Protein = 79.5%, Albumin = 30.5%, minerals = 5.95%, moisture content = 2.84% content of which is very good for the health of the body. Cork fish protein content higher than protein sources such as chicken, beef, eggs and fish species that exist.
For patients with severe disease in hospitals are usually given intravenous albumin. But the obstacle is the costly price of albumin infusion for 1 time of usage could reach IDR. 1.5 SD IDR 2 million. The cause of the price is expensive is because of the infusion of plasma protein zone from human blood. This is where fish Capsule Cork can be an alternative. Due to improved the same. The following description of fish capsules Cork Albumino.
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