Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis), cure kidney stone

Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis), cure kidney stone

Tempuyung the Latin name arvenshis Sonchus L. And belongs to the plant family Compositae is usually grown in sheltered places. Green leaves are smooth with slight purple, wavy edges, and irregularly toothed. Near the base of the stem, toothed leaves that form the curve and the centrally located on the top rod alternately embraced.

Plants Tempuyung wavy leaves are believed to embrace stem has a pharmacological effect. Among them: eliminate the heat and toxins, diuretics (laxative urine), the destruction of kidney stones and high blood pressure.

Physically, this plant has a bitter taste and is cool. In principle, all parts of this plant can be used. But most often it is the leaves. This plant is known as herbaceous annuals with can reach 2 meters high, grows wild in the open or less protected, like in the cliff, the edge of the water channel, on the sidelines of the stone, and grow in areas with an altitude of 50-1650 meters above sea level.
Sonchus arvensis

Sarjito Research
The leaves of this plant can be used as a drug with the chemical content of saponins, flavonoids, political, alpha-lactucerol, beta-lactucerol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, taraksasterol. Results of research conducted by the late Prof. Dr Sarjito of Gajah Mada University shows, the content of potassium in temping can help dissolve kidney stones.

The study was conducted by Prof. Sarjito with kidney stones soak someone in a decoction of the leaves temping at room temperature and at a temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius. Experimental material was there that rocked like movements of the human body, some are not. After the stone weighed and measured calcium in solution chemistry. As a result, all the weight is reduced kidney stones.

Sarjito also examines the power of human destruction of kidney stones by examining the crystals in the urine and by using X-ray. The result is known, temping can destroy kidney stones. Unfortunately, until now unknown compounds that dissolve or destroy kidney stones. But the results of other studies prove, the potassium content is what plays a role in the destruction of kidney stones.
In the leaves tamping it contained potassium levels high enough. This makes the presence of potassium kidney stones, such as calcium carbonate, scattered, because potassium will get rid of calcium carbonate compounds to join, oxalate, or uric which is forming kidney stones. Until finally precipitate was dissolved kidney stones and float out with urine.

Temping also had a variety of names in each area. Java is often called Galen, handsome, handsome lalakina, clay, lampenas, RAYANA (Sunda), tempuyung (Central Java). Propagation of this plant from seed. Maintenance is also easy, as well as other plants, Just need enough water to keep the soil moisture and fertilizer, especially manure. Interested to plant and use it as a medicinal plant..?

Miscellaneous Uses Tempuyung
In use, temping can be mixed as a single material or mixed with various other herbs. In principle, according to it. Winarto, herbalist from Karyasari clinic, tempuyung use as an ingredient must be based on the understanding that it is only to help reduce the suffering of a particular disease. Although not rule out the use of the long term efficacy can be maximized.

Basic usage:
In general, the use of tempuyung used to maintain body health by eating it directly as a salad, drink boiled water by utilizing the leaves and use as an herb with ditambahankan certain materials.

- For fresh vegetables:
You can take about five pieces or more leaves fresh temping. After washing, the leaves smoked briefly, then eaten once discharged as a salad with rice. In one day we could take as much as three times the salads.

- As an herbal decoction:
Take two pieces of dried Tempuyung leaves and then brewed with a glass of water to drink like tea. This steeping water drunk as a medicine. In one day we can drink as much as three times, until the kidney stone is missing. Other ingredients

Ingredients: 15 grams tempuyung 2 cups water Add honey to taste to reduce the bitter taste.
Directions: Boil the leaves temping until the water into a glass. How to use Add the honey and drink while warm

Materials: Stem and leaf tempering 5 to 10 sheets of clean water to taste
Ways of making: Leaves and stems, washed, then crushed or finely ground and taken water juice.
How to use: Water, juice is applied to the sick

Bladder and gall stones
Ingredients: 5 thumping grated coconut leaves to taste
Directions: After washing and then smoked for a while and then mixed with grated heads like making ointment
How to use: Eaten with rice as fresh vegetables and can be consumed three times a day

High blood pressure
Ingredients: 5-8 leaves tempuyung grated coconut taste Carambola Starfruit taste as a mixture
Ways of making: Leaves tempuyung washed and smoked and then mixed with grated head. Carambola it then can be cut into small pieces to mix vegetables
How to use: Eaten as a mixture of vegetables and rice to be taken 3 times a day

Overweight (obese).
Ingredients: 4 pieces Tempuyung Leaf Water 100 ml
Making Way: boil.
How to use: drink for all. Recommended for 21 days

Kidney Stone
- 250 grams of dried leaves tempuyung plus 250 cc of water simmering water for drinking
- 5 leaves fresh tempuyung, 5 leaves of avocado, 5 leaves of cabbage, 2 finger palm sugar.
The material is washed before simmering with 3 degrees of water until the remaining 2 1/4 cups. After chilling filtered and drunk three times, each 3/4 cup.
- 5 leaves tempuyung, 6 pieces of baby corn, 3 finger palm sugar, washed and cut into pieces. Then boiled with three cups of water until the remaining 2 1/4 cups, drink three times a day, each 3/4 cup

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

BEAUTIFUL and slim body with Medicinal Plants

BEAUTIFUL and slim body with Medicinal Plants

Greetings Healthy! Following, we review some medicinal plants that exist around us that have been proven effective in slimming and beautifying our bodies.
What are the medicinal plants can streamline our bodies? Here's his review:

1. Lempuyang (Zingiber zerumbert)
Lempuyang known known as an Lempuyang Gajah area (Java and Lempoyang Paek (Madura).
The active ingredient contained in lempuyang includes: Oil Astaire (consisting of zerumbon, pinene, alpha kariofilen, kamfen, cineol and limonene). Flavonoids and saponins. The efficacy of the active ingredient contained in lempuyang include: Zerumbon is efficacious compounds as anti-seizure, can be used also as a treat ulcers, leg swelling, wind laxative, laxative kidney and gall stones, urinary stones, mucoid diarrhea and increase appetite.
lempuyang wangi

2. Turmeric / kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.)
Turmeric is known as turmeric area (Malay), hunik (Batak), kunyir (Sunda), turmeric (Java) and Gathering coming (Madura). Many of the active ingredients contained in turmeric, among others: Curcumin, oil astiri, pollen-Drene, sabinene, cineol, borneol, zingeberenne, trimaran, camphene, camphor, caprillic acid, methoxinnamic acid, and dye-cum id cur alkaloids. The efficacy of the active ingredient contained in turmeric include: Cleaning, affecting the abdomen, releasing excess gas in the intestine, stop bleeding, prevent blood coagulation, anti-itch, anti-seizure, cure nasal congestion, tonsillitis, inflammation of the uterus, .Anemia, high blood pressure, rheumatism, dysentery and smallpox.

3. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is known in some areas with the name jae (Java), ginger (Sunda), Jhai (Madura), jahi (Lampung), bahing (Batak Karo), pause (Bugis) and Melito (Gorontalo). In addition to the diversity in the title or name of ginger in various regions, as well as some type of ginger is known in Indonesia, ginger, ginger and red ginger. The active ingredient of ginger includes: oil Easter 2-3%, zingberin, kamfena, borneol, cineol, zingeberal, geranipl, ginger in, gingerly.

Ginger Bulbs, contains oleoresin compounds known as general which act as antioxidants. Nature is what makes ginger useful touted as anti-aging bioactive components. Ginger bioactive components may serve to protect the fat / membranes from oxidation, inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol, and boost immunity. Various properties of ginger that has traditionally been widely recognized is as follows: Cough, influenza, fever, increase appetite, strengthens the stomach, medicine eczema, rheumatism, nervous face, abrasions, wounds stab sharp objects, exposed spines, falls, bites snakes, cure chest tightness and improve digestion.

Example: for potions Sign wind, take the old ginger for the thumb, washed and crushed and boiled with two cups water, add the palm sugar, then simmer approximately 1/4 hour. Lift and drink warm. Dab it on a sprained limbs. Do it twice a day.

4. Lengkuas / Galangal (Greater Galangal)
Galangal or Lengkuas, known as Langkueneh regions (Aceh), Langkuweh (Padang), Laja (Sunda), Laos (Java, Bali), and Lingkawas (Manado).
The active ingredient contained in ginger, among others: astiri oil, alpine oil, methyl cinnamate, camphor, eugenol (giver spicy taste).
Benefits Lengkuas than as a food seasoning, many properties that are used as drugs, among others: antibacterial skin diseases such as scabies medicine / sores and ulcers, body warmers liniment, improving urinary system, amplifier bile, ear drops, improve digestion, mucus from the respiratory tract, headache, chest pain, increased appetite, relieve colic or stomach pains, diaries and anti-nausea drugs.

5. Temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza)
Temulawak including ginger family (Zingiberaceae), Curcuma is a medicinal plant native to Indonesia, with various regional names is: Curcuma (Java), Koneng besar (Sunda) and Temulabak (Madura).

Temulawak has long been used for generations by our ancestors to treat jaundice, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating and fatigue. The latter can also be used to reduce blood fat, prevent blood clots, as an antioxidant and maintain health by increasing the immune power.

Efficacy others, namely: to treat diseases of the spleen, kidney, waist, asthma, headaches, colds ulcers, improve milk production, improve appetite, constipation, mouth sores and acne.

6. Temu ireng (Curcuma aeroginosa Roxb.)
Temuireng still in the family Zingiberaceae, known as the retrieval area groaned (Malay), koneng Hideung (Sunda), Temu ireng (Java), temo ireng (Madura), Temu ireng (Bali). The active ingredient contained in temuireng include airis oil, tannins, kurkumol, kurdion, kurkumalakton, germakron, curcumin, starch, resin, and a blue dye.

Efficacy contained in temu ireng were: to increase appetite, launched a dirty bleeding after childbirth, treating skin diseases, improve digestion, ulcers cough, shortness of breath, worms, and stimulate the stomach.

7. Kencur (Kaempferia galanga)
Kencur is a Javanese term, while other areas Ceuko name (Aceh), Keciwer (Batak), Cakue (Padang, Cikur (Sunda), Cekuh (Bali) and Asauli (Ambon). He was among relatives gingers (Zingiberaceae gamilia), so brother still turmeric, ginger, locks, and so on.

The active ingredient contained in the rhizome kencur are: starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), oil astiri (0.02%) in the form of cineol, kanil metal acid, penta independence, cinnamic acid, ethyl aster , sinamic acid, borneol, kamphene, anisic acids and alkaloids.

With the active ingredient so many medicinal properties include: cough, bloating, nausea, colds, digestive problems, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipasmodik, treat toothache, remove phlegm, tetanus, tempe bongkrek poisonous, mushrooms, headaches, ulcers , dental pain and increase endurance.

8. Green tea (green tea)
The last plant is very beneficial for the body, and especially those of us who want to streamline the body are the benefits of green tea. Tea is a beverage that is so familiar to us. Much demand in the Asian region and particularly in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, drinking tea was often served daily. Tea has many benefits, because it implies very good for the body.
teh hijau

During this time many people often use green tea as a health drink. Green tea also has long been known as one of the fat burners and traditional medicine. Green tea contains antioxidants that are very high, so that helps increase fat burning in the body.
A good way to make green tea is, green tea brewed with hot water, then chill. Should be taken before eating. Green tea will help keep fat intake. Or, it could be taken before you exercise, because it will help dismantle the fat under the skin will be faster. But to consume green tea, you should not drink tea on an empty stomach. Because it can increase the production of acid in the stomach. And minimize also drink green tea mixed with sugar. Because causing substances they contain to be reduced

9. Tamarind
If you are bored with the method of slimming methods that do not see any results. You can try and start with the use of natural plant as slimming method you this time. You can start with tamarind plant. Because almost all parts of the tamarind has its benefits. People often eat tamarind is to mix cuisines, such as bacem, stir seasoning, sour vegetables, or for frying fish.
asam jawa

Besides being used as a kitchen spice, tamarind as well as medicinal plants. The leaves of this plant can be used as high cholesterol lowering drugs, the chemical content of saponins, flavonoids and tannins.

Active compounds flavonoids and tannins in plants tamarind, can increase degradation, decay fat through increased metabolism in the body. Resulting in the fat burning process. Moreover, the decay of fat by the active compounds flavonoids and tannins through fat-solving approach, catalyzed by the enzyme lipase. Extracts which are activators of the enzyme. Also can degrade the fat. So as to have potential as a natural slimming drug. Suitable for those who crave the ideal body.

Is your home a lot of mosquitoes ??, mosquitoes repellent

Is your home a lot of mosquitoes ??,
mosquitoes repellent

The following do not worry,, we share tips repel mosquitoes using medicinal plants that exist around us. following his review

Substances contained Evodiamine and rutaecarpine this plant does not like mosquitoes. This scent will smell when the wind.

mosquitoes repellent
Zodia characteristics :
Zodia the shrubs of the tribe of citrus (Rutaceae) that have between 50-200 cm tall with an average height of about 75 cm.
The leaves form a flat elongated somewhat flexible with greenish yellow color. Leaf length ranges from 2-30 cm.
This plant is able to live at an altitude between 400-1.000 meters above sea level.

How to use this flower so that our skin from getting bitten is the rub-rub interest on our skin.

mosquitoes repellent

Geranium contains geraniol and citronellol which causes mosquitoes do not want to close. How to take advantage of this plant is to be placed in a place exposed to the wind, because the scent will smell when geranium leaves rub against each other.

mosquitoes repellent

Cymbopogon Citratus
Plants that includes the nation's grass does not like mosquitoes because of geraniol and citronellal substances. Lemongrass extracts have also been used in the manufacture of mosquito repellent lotion with rich aroma.

mosquitoes repellent

Chrtsopogon Zizanioides
These plants can emit undesirable aroma mosquito Aedes aegypti. Planting vetiver de yard to feel the benefits.

mosquitoes repellent

The leaves are needle-shaped and has a small purple flowers. Be used to repel mosquitoes with rub-rub the leaves to the skin. The resulting aroma similar to the aroma of eucalyptus oil. This scent can disrupt smell and mosquitoes.

mosquitoes repellent

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015



Ginger or Zingiber officinale Latin language is one of the most popular plant rhizome is used as a spice and as well as medicine. Rhizome shaped fingers bulging in the middle sections. The dominant flavor in ginger, spicy due to ketones named zinger on.

The benefits of ginger can be used to serve as the body warmers. Especially in cold weather or moderate continuous rain. It is suitable for taking ginger so that the body becomes warmer. Ginger is also often made as a wedding that can be used to warm the body.

23 amazing benefits of ginger

Here are the benefits of ginger.

  • Blood circulation
The first benefits of ginger are blood circulation. General contained in ginger is an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. By preventing blockage of blood vessels is a major cause of stroke and heart attack.

  • Bloated
Ginger extracts useful for those who often experience abdominal bloating and pain. Ginger can be used to treat disorders of the digestive and intestinal irritation.

  • Treating migraine
In a study showed ginger can stop prostaglandins, which is where the prostaglandin is one of the causes of headache. Thus, ginger can reduce migraines or headaches.

  • Fever and cough
General in ginger previously described can be launched blood circulation, general content can also be used to reduce fever and cough. Consuming ginger means suppressing the onset of side effects such as that contained in the content of chemical drugs.

  • Preventing potbelly
By consuming ginger regularly and before eating can prevent bloated stomach. Because ginger useful to smooth metabolism and digestion. With the existence of an increase in the metabolism of the impact will accelerate the burning of calories and flatten a protruding belly.

  • Lowering high blood pressure
Ginger is able to stimulate the release of adrenal hormones and can also widen blood vessels, which can cause the blood to flow more smoothly and faster, and can lighten the work of the heart in pumping blood.

  • Losing weight
Ginger as mentioned above that ginger can dilate blood vessels of the body burns calories into heat and ginger contains very few calories contained, so it does not contribute to weight increase. Consuming ginger by making widen every day to maintain health and metabolism.

  • Treating toothache
Painful gums and sore tooth can also be prevented by drinking ginger water. This is because ginger is anti fungal and antibacterial.

  • Prevent irregular menstrual cycles
The benefits of ginger, one of them can be useful to keep the regularity of the menstrual cycle for women. In the land of China, for example, which is then mixed with ginger brown sugar in tea is widely consumed to relieve cramps during menstruation.

  • Make mighty body
Ginger compounds contained there is inflammation. This is certainly effective in terms of building the muscles in the body, such as the muscles in the arms. Based on a study that could be concluded by taking ginger regular and routine can help to reduce the pain that occurs in the muscles caused by excessive physical exercise.

  • As an acne medication
In a previous study has been conducted at the University of Maryland Medical Center, to assist in preventing acne on the skin is recommended to consume a ginger maximum of 4 g / day. Because if too much in taking ginger can cause side effects such as mules, irritation, and diarrhea.

  • Hangovers trip
Especially for the often experience motion sickness on the way, should consume ginger drink. Spice this one is believed to reduce nausea also cure jet lag.

  • Anti-allergy
The benefits of ginger along with grape seed extract can be beneficial to help reduce fever and similar problems that often can occur during allergy season.

  • Treat morning sickness
Nausea, bloating and taste like vomiting in the morning, including women who are pregnant. Morning sickness can be cured by consuming the herb ginger drink.

  • Antioxidants counteract free radicals
Ginger contains antioxidant content is able to overcome the damaging effects as caused by free radicals in the body.

  • Inflammation
Ginger as the number 1 that ginger contains a compound called gingerol. General compounds are responsible for a pungent aroma and anti-inflammatory properties. At the time of searching for anti-inflammatory drugs, make sure the medicine contains general.

  • Arthritis
Ginger extract which is also beneficial in patients with arthritis and osteoarthritis. The content of the ginger has been believed to contain components that can inhibit COX, which COX is one of the chemicals the body which is responsible for the onset of inflammation. COX inhibitor prescription drugs usually have side effects that can harm the body. The benefits of ginger as one of the natural herbal remedies can have similar properties and without side effects.

  • Clean the dirt in the body
If often consume ginger regularly brewed manner, it can make your body sweat. Through the sweat that was issued various types of malicious dirt contained in the body.

  • Help your body to fight off cancer cells
The content of the nutrients found in ginger can be useful to help curb the development of cancer cells in the body. In a number of studies revealed that the efficacy of ginger extract to combat various types of cancers such as ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

  • Lowering high cholesterol
In a number of studies that have shown to consume ginger may be effective to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and liver. The content contained gingerol in ginger also has an effect that is an anticoagulant that is able to prevent blood clots. The content of the ginger can stimulate the release of the hormone adrenaline, which in turn can facilitate the flow of blood circulation.

  • Treating snake bite wounds
How to use ginger to treat snake bite wounds with mashing rhizome and a little salt, then put on the poisonous snake bite wound and is only used as first aid, for further treatment the patient was taken to the hospital.

  • Relieves pain fast
Natural pain reliever and also can be used to relieve headaches. How to use the ginger drink 3 times a day or it could also drink wedang ronde, ginger candy, and add ginger to foods such as soup, stew, or rendang.

  • Arthritis causes painful and stiff joints
In a clinical trial can be concluded that ginger was able to relieve the pain as I mentioned above, increases the movement of the joints, as well as reduce the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Other benefits that ginger can also help relieve back pain and headaches such as migraines.

Did you know that the skin of the mangosteen has a variety of benefits for health beauty

Did you know that the skin of the mangosteen has a variety of benefits for health beauty &???      

A lot of research that proves that the purple fruit has tremendous benefits for the body and beauty. Many natural compounds contained in this fruit.

Here are the benefits of the mangosteen rind for overall health: strengthening the blood vessels.

  • Helps prevent heart disease.
  • Lowering high blood pressure.
  • Lowering LDL cholesterol.
  • Help prevent arteriosclorosis.
  • Helps heal ulcers/sores.
  • Helps overcome disease GERD (chronic disease marked by the flowing out of stomach acid into the esophagus).
  • Help stop diarrhea.
  • Relieve colon disorder syndrome (IBS).
  • Can prevent one of the inflammatory disease of the large intestine (diverticulitis).
  • It can relieve inflammation of the colon or small, known as Crohn's disease.
  • Eradicating tuberculosis.
  • Prevent as well as treat sore gums.
  • Helping prevent dysentery.
  • Lower lactose ketidaktoleranan side effects.
  • Help prevent central nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis).
  • Relieve chronic inflammatory diseases (inflammation of chronical) which attack the structure of the spine and the pelvic joints particularly (Ankylosing Spondylitis).
  • Can prevent cancer.
  • Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory (cyctic fibrosis).
  • Reduce disease severe muscle weakness (Myasthenia Gravis).
  • Prevent symptoms associated with the disease lupus.
  • Coping with food poisoning.
  • Lowering fever.
  • Alleviate stomach pain.
  • Help cure canker sores quickly.
  • Heal throat.
  • Help reduce the number of migrants (the headaches).
  • Coping with shortness of breath.
  • Natural sleep aid.
  • Reducing and treating toothache naturally.
  • Improve mood and decrease depression.
  • Improve the ability to cope with stress.
  • Get rid of acne and blemishes on the skin.
  • Help the health of the muscles and joints.
  • Relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension.
  • Remove the bite marks, burns and poisoning.
  • Relieve sore throat (bronchitis), swelling of the lungs (emphysema), and pneumonia (pneumonia).
  • Working as a drug Painkiller tightness/decoder on the nose (decongestant).
  • Help prevent prostate enlargement.
  • Help prevent infertility.
  • As a gentle laxative.
  • Ease the difficulty urinating.
  • Relieve pain in the muscles, ligaments, or tendons (fibromyalgia).
  • Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  • Relieve pain due to sickness decreased bone density/liming bones (osteoporosis).
  • Could prevent the disorder hyperaktif and less attention (ADHD) and food allergies.
  • Help alleviate asthma.
  • Shape the teeth and bones stronger.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Improve communication between cells.
  • Cure the inflammation.
  • Stymies DNA damage.
  • Maintain optimal function of the hyacinth.
  • Help the lymph system.
  • Help lose weight naturally.
  • Reducing insulin resistance.
  • Balancing the endocrine system.
  • Tools from the synergy of the body.
  • Heal damage to nerves.
  • Relieve hemorrhoids.
  • Lighten skin disease pinkish/scaly (psoriatic).
  • To help lower blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).
  • Helps heal wounds.
* The benefits of the mangosteen to skin beauty.
  • Whiten skin
  • Remove the black flecks
  • Brighten dull facial skin

Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable types rarely Consumed

   Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable types rarely Consumed

It's no secret if consumed various types of fruits and vegetables every day to be one of the keys to keep the body healthy, smooth skin, strong nails and other positive things. But few people pay attention enough to consume fruits and vegetables. Here are some types of fruit are rarely consumed, but can make a healthy body
Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable types rarely Consumed


Kiwi is rich in vitamin C. Kiwi can treat lung problems, including shortness of breath, asthma and cough. They are also rich in vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and copper, all of which work to protect the cardiovascular system.


Pineapples are loaded with vitamin boost immunity and that helps regulate blood sugar. In addition, the metabolic system, the better for Pineapple contains fat, protein, vitamin C, manganese and vitamin B.


Avocado filled with fats that are good for the body. Avocados are proven to help reduce harmful LDL cholesterol in the body and increase HDL cholesterol. Avocados also contain fiber, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E, which are all working to help the body's metabolism and helps bones grow well.


The high acid glutamine is very good for improving memory and keep cells active. Manggo also high in iron, which is very important for women who tend to have lower levels of minerals. Low body iron tends to quickly experience headache, fatigue, pale skin, low energy and frequent headaches.


Rich source of vitamin C, potassium, lycopene, calcium, fiber and phosphorus, also contains bioflavonoids and other plant chemicals, which protects against a variety of cancers and heart disease.

Red Onion

The high vitamin C and A in the leak is known to help lower blood sugar levels, helping to treat digestive problems, relieve flu symptoms and speed up the rate of blood circulation in the body.


Morels are wild mushrooms that provide antioxidants to protect healthy cells from the disease. Efficacy micronutrients contained in morels heart health benefits, and help improve liver function.


These vegetables are rich in flavonoids, which help fight cancer. Spinach also contains a variety of anti-inflammatory substances. The high vitamin A in spinach also makes your skin healthier.


Radishes are very high in fiber and vitamin C. Lubbock also contain compounds called isothiocyanates, which has been proven as an effective cancer fighter.


Although rarely consumed vegetable and is typically used as a dessert, but rhubarb is a good source of vitamin C, potassium and manganese. If you're not a fan of sour taste, maybe you will not try to consume rhubarb because it would require a lot of sugar.


Known as one of the natural aphrodisiac, Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of boron, which is associated with the production of human sex hormones. Sweet potatoes are also very beneficial for women who are pregnant because they are a rich source of vitamin B and iron, which helps the growth of cells during pregnancy.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015



Cork Fish, not only contain high Albumin, but also contains many other minerals. Of these, zinc, amino acids, fats and other necessary element in the trace of the body, so it is very good for hipoalbumin therapy treatment (low albumin), treat burns, treating the wound after surgery, speed up wound healing in, helping autistic healing, treating his stunted the growth of brain development, diabetes, treating fractures, stroke and HIV.

High albumin contained in Cork Fish also plays a role in dead cell regeneration.

Based on studies of Cork Fish by Prof. Dr. Dr. Nurpudji from Hasanudin University (Indonesia) shows that the levels of albumin in people with certain diseases in the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Hospital have increased a lot after eating Cork Fish in several times, so as to speed up the recovery process.

The same study by Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang showing, that the granting of Cork Fish every day to the patients after surgery, improves albumin, and they become normal.

Meanwhile, a study conducted at the Hasanudin University also showed increased levels of albumin in the blood of patients up to 0.6 to 0.8 g/dl, were given capsules of Cork Fish for 10 to 14 days.

The same Research action by Dr. IR. Eddy Suprayitno, Cork Fish contains albumin compared to other sources of albumin.


Based on the results of the study have content: Cork fish Protein = 79.5%, Albumin = 30.5%, minerals = 5.95%, moisture content = 2.84% content of which is very good for the health of the body. Cork fish protein content higher than protein sources such as chicken, beef, eggs and fish species that exist.

For patients with severe disease in hospitals are usually given intravenous albumin. But the obstacle is the costly price of albumin infusion for 1 time of usage could reach IDR. 1.5 SD IDR 2 million. The cause of the price is expensive is because of the infusion of plasma protein zone from human blood. This is where fish Capsule Cork can be an alternative. Due to improved the same. The following description of fish capsules Cork Albumino.


EFFICACY OF Heartleaf Maderavine Madevine


Binahong (bahasa Indonesia) has the Latin name Bassela rubra linn and included in the family Basellaceae. In the English language it is called the Heartleaf maderavine madevine, whereas the Chinese renamed it as Deng san chi. Binahong is vines such as gendola which is common in the fence or gate.

Regular binahong leaves used as a herbal remedy for overcoming various ailments. However, the stems and bulbs also have efficacy as a medicinal herb.

The content contained in Binahong leaves quite a lot of antioxidants, ascorbic acid, total phenols and proteins that are high enough so that beneficial for curing a variety of ailments.

The Benefits Of Binahong Leaf
Here are some ways to utilize the leaves binahong to treat a variety of diseases. Ranging from mild illness to severe disease.

Treating bloody wounds
Mashed or chew the leaves Binahong to taste until smooth. Apply on a swollen body parts or cuts evenly. Do over and over when wounds still wet conditions or severe injuries.

Treat Acne
Take 5 or more binahong leaves and crushed until mashed. Directly apply on your face on a regular basis. It's good if you are applying at night before going to bed. Repeat until the face look fine. Well, if you want maximum results take 5-6 leaves binahong water sheet is then boiled in 2 glasses of water to remaining one glass. Can add honey to taste better.

External Treatment
For external use, the leaves and stems finely crushed then smeared on the sick. This material to heal bruises due to hit, hit fire (heat), the rheumatic pain rheumatic, sore, painful veins, smooth skin.

Benefits Of Binahong Tuber
In addition to leaves, Corm or Rhizome plants binahong well as efficacious drug. The trick, take the rhizome (bulbs) to taste clean, washed, boiled, then chilled and filtered result after drinking 2-3 times a day. In this way the operation scars to heal wounds, ulcers, typhus, dysentery, physical freshness (Add egg and honey), prevent stroke, gout and lumbago.

Deng san chi

A. Categories of heavy Diseases

  • Cough / vomiting blood : prepare 10 binahong leaves, boil it with 3 cups of water, and reserving to 1 glass left, drink it everyday. 
  • Perforated Lung : prepare 10 binahong leaves, boil it with in 3 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday. 
  • Diabetes : prepare 11 binahong leaves, boil it with in 3 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.
  • Shortness of breath : prepare 7 binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.   
  • Acute ulcers (chronically) : prepare 12 leaves binahong, boil it with in 3 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.  
  • Fractures : prepare 10-20 sheets of binahong leaves, boil it with in 3 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.  
  • Low blood pressure : prepare 8 sheets of binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.  
  • Kidney inflammation : prepare 7 binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.   
  • Itching skin / eczema : prepare 10-15 of binahong leaves, boil it with in 3 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.  
  •  Heavy brain concussion / light : prepare 10 binahong leaves boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup, drink it everyday.  

B. Categories Of Minor Ailments

  • Dysentery / defecation : prepare 10 binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Hemorrhoids bleed : prepare 16 sheets of binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Nose nosebleeds : prepare 4 sheets of binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • After surgery / operation : prepare 20 binahong leaves boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Burns skin : prepare 10 binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday.
  • Accident caused by sharp objects : prepare 10 binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Acne : prepare 8 sheets of binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Swollen gut : prepare 3 pieces binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Bleeding gums : prepare 4 sheets of binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Lack of appetite : prepare 5 pieces of binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • Smooth menstruation : prepare 3 pieces binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday. 
  • After childbirth : prepare 7 binahong leaves, boil it with in 2 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup,  drink it everyday.