BEAUTIFUL and slim body with Medicinal Plants
Greetings Healthy! Following, we review some medicinal plants that exist around us that have been proven effective in slimming and beautifying our bodies.
What are the medicinal plants can streamline our bodies? Here's his review:
1. Lempuyang (Zingiber zerumbert)Lempuyang known known as an Lempuyang Gajah area (Java and Lempoyang Paek (Madura).
The active ingredient contained in lempuyang includes: Oil Astaire (consisting of zerumbon, pinene, alpha kariofilen, kamfen, cineol and limonene). Flavonoids and saponins. The efficacy of the active ingredient contained in lempuyang include: Zerumbon is efficacious compounds as anti-seizure, can be used also as a treat ulcers, leg swelling, wind laxative, laxative kidney and gall stones, urinary stones, mucoid diarrhea and increase appetite.
2. Turmeric / kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.)Turmeric is known as turmeric area (Malay), hunik (Batak), kunyir (Sunda), turmeric (Java) and Gathering coming (Madura). Many of the active ingredients contained in turmeric, among others: Curcumin, oil astiri, pollen-Drene, sabinene, cineol, borneol, zingeberenne, trimaran, camphene, camphor, caprillic acid, methoxinnamic acid, and dye-cum id cur alkaloids. The efficacy of the active ingredient contained in turmeric include: Cleaning, affecting the abdomen, releasing excess gas in the intestine, stop bleeding, prevent blood coagulation, anti-itch, anti-seizure, cure nasal congestion, tonsillitis, inflammation of the uterus, .Anemia, high blood pressure, rheumatism, dysentery and smallpox.
3. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)Ginger is known in some areas with the name jae (Java), ginger (Sunda), Jhai (Madura), jahi (Lampung), bahing (Batak Karo), pause (Bugis) and Melito (Gorontalo). In addition to the diversity in the title or name of ginger in various regions, as well as some type of ginger is known in Indonesia, ginger, ginger and red ginger. The active ingredient of ginger includes: oil Easter 2-3%, zingberin, kamfena, borneol, cineol, zingeberal, geranipl, ginger in, gingerly.

Ginger Bulbs, contains oleoresin compounds known as general which act as antioxidants. Nature is what makes ginger useful touted as anti-aging bioactive components. Ginger bioactive components may serve to protect the fat / membranes from oxidation, inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol, and boost immunity. Various properties of ginger that has traditionally been widely recognized is as follows: Cough, influenza, fever, increase appetite, strengthens the stomach, medicine eczema, rheumatism, nervous face, abrasions, wounds stab sharp objects, exposed spines, falls, bites snakes, cure chest tightness and improve digestion.
Example: for potions Sign wind, take the old ginger for the thumb, washed and crushed and boiled with two cups water, add the palm sugar, then simmer approximately 1/4 hour. Lift and drink warm. Dab it on a sprained limbs. Do it twice a day.
4. Lengkuas / Galangal (Greater Galangal)Galangal or Lengkuas, known as Langkueneh regions (Aceh), Langkuweh (Padang), Laja (Sunda), Laos (Java, Bali), and Lingkawas (Manado).
The active ingredient contained in ginger, among others: astiri oil, alpine oil, methyl cinnamate, camphor, eugenol (giver spicy taste).
Benefits Lengkuas than as a food seasoning, many properties that are used as drugs, among others: antibacterial skin diseases such as scabies medicine / sores and ulcers, body warmers liniment, improving urinary system, amplifier bile, ear drops, improve digestion, mucus from the respiratory tract, headache, chest pain, increased appetite, relieve colic or stomach pains, diaries and anti-nausea drugs.
5. Temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza)
Temulawak including ginger family (Zingiberaceae), Curcuma is a medicinal plant native to Indonesia, with various regional names is: Curcuma (Java), Koneng besar (Sunda) and Temulabak (Madura).
Temulawak has long been used for generations by our ancestors to treat jaundice, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating and fatigue. The latter can also be used to reduce blood fat, prevent blood clots, as an antioxidant and maintain health by increasing the immune power.
Efficacy others, namely: to treat diseases of the spleen, kidney, waist, asthma, headaches, colds ulcers, improve milk production, improve appetite, constipation, mouth sores and acne.
6. Temu ireng (Curcuma aeroginosa Roxb.)Temuireng still in the family Zingiberaceae, known as the retrieval area groaned (Malay), koneng Hideung (Sunda), Temu ireng (Java), temo ireng (Madura), Temu ireng (Bali). The active ingredient contained in temuireng include airis oil, tannins, kurkumol, kurdion, kurkumalakton, germakron, curcumin, starch, resin, and a blue dye.
Efficacy contained in temu ireng were: to increase appetite, launched a dirty bleeding after childbirth, treating skin diseases, improve digestion, ulcers cough, shortness of breath, worms, and stimulate the stomach.
7. Kencur (Kaempferia galanga)Kencur is a Javanese term, while other areas Ceuko name (Aceh), Keciwer (Batak), Cakue (Padang, Cikur (Sunda), Cekuh (Bali) and Asauli (Ambon). He was among relatives gingers (Zingiberaceae gamilia), so brother still turmeric, ginger, locks, and so on.
The active ingredient contained in the rhizome kencur are: starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), oil astiri (0.02%) in the form of cineol, kanil metal acid, penta independence, cinnamic acid, ethyl aster , sinamic acid, borneol, kamphene, anisic acids and alkaloids.
With the active ingredient so many medicinal properties include: cough, bloating, nausea, colds, digestive problems, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipasmodik, treat toothache, remove phlegm, tetanus, tempe bongkrek poisonous, mushrooms, headaches, ulcers , dental pain and increase endurance.
8. Green tea (green tea)The last plant is very beneficial for the body, and especially those of us who want to streamline the body are the benefits of green tea. Tea is a beverage that is so familiar to us. Much demand in the Asian region and particularly in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, drinking tea was often served daily. Tea has many benefits, because it implies very good for the body.
During this time many people often use green tea as a health drink. Green tea also has long been known as one of the fat burners and traditional medicine. Green tea contains antioxidants that are very high, so that helps increase fat burning in the body.
A good way to make green tea is, green tea brewed with hot water, then chill. Should be taken before eating. Green tea will help keep fat intake. Or, it could be taken before you exercise, because it will help dismantle the fat under the skin will be faster. But to consume green tea, you should not drink tea on an empty stomach. Because it can increase the production of acid in the stomach. And minimize also drink green tea mixed with sugar. Because causing substances they contain to be reduced
9. TamarindIf you are bored with the method of slimming methods that do not see any results. You can try and start with the use of natural plant as slimming method you this time. You can start with tamarind plant. Because almost all parts of the tamarind has its benefits. People often eat tamarind is to mix cuisines, such as bacem, stir seasoning, sour vegetables, or for frying fish.
Besides being used as a kitchen spice, tamarind as well as medicinal plants. The leaves of this plant can be used as high cholesterol lowering drugs, the chemical content of saponins, flavonoids and tannins.
Active compounds flavonoids and tannins in plants tamarind, can increase degradation, decay fat through increased metabolism in the body. Resulting in the fat burning process. Moreover, the decay of fat by the active compounds flavonoids and tannins through fat-solving approach, catalyzed by the enzyme lipase. Extracts which are activators of the enzyme. Also can degrade the fat. So as to have potential as a natural slimming drug. Suitable for those who crave the ideal body.